Immune Support

  1. Vitamin D3: Fundamental for a Healthy Back-to-School Season

    Vitamin D3

    Vitamin D3: Fundamental for a Healthy Back-to-School Season

    Back-to-school means back to wellness. With daylight hours decreasing and indoor activities increasing, ensuring adequate vitamin D3 intake becomes crucial. Learn why vitamin D3 supplementation is vital to a successful school year and year-round health.  

  2. Four Delicious Ways to Enhance Health and Longevity Daily

    Four Delicious Ways to Enhance Health and Longevity Daily

    Four Delicious Ways to Enhance Health and Longevity Daily

    Now more than ever, busy lives and demanding schedules make it difficult to find efficient, yet nourishing ways to maintain and optimize individual health. Rise and shine, another day at the grind, and what do most of us reach for to kickstart the day? Coffee. If you are among the 75% of Americans who are daily coffee drinkers, there is extensive evidence that this daily ritual has more to offer than its stimulating, energizing properties. In this blog article, we will explore the link between coffee and longevity and how your cup of coffee can be a vehicle for a variety of functional food stir-ins. Have I piqued your interest? Great! Grab that cup of organic, fair-trade medium-roasted coffee, and let’s explore four delicious ways to enhance health and longevity every morning with some of Premier Research Labs’ functional food products. 

  3. Unlock the Healing Potential of Phyto-Proteases!

    Unlock the Healing Potential of Phyto-Proteases!

    Unlock the Healing Potential of Phyto-Proteases!

    Inflammation is a complex and natural defense mechanism of the body that aims to protect us from infections, injuries, and harmful stimuli. While it plays a crucial role in the healing process, chronic inflammation can be detrimental to our health. Understanding the underlying causes of inflammation can pave the way for proactive steps towards a healthier life.

    What can you recommend as a practitioner to help your clients manage these common stressors and mitigate risks for long term health issues?

    Read further to discover more about how phyto-proteases can optimize your client’s health strategies!

    By Jenny Perez, BSc, Herbal Sciences

  4. When to take N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)? What is NAC?

    Woman with Healthy Lungs Breathing Deeply

    When to take N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)? What is NAC?

    Recent research shows that N-acetylcysteine (NAC) has many stellar health benefits, especially for the lungs and liver.  Since it is available in supplement form, its powerful benefits are accessible by everyone. Are you considering adding NAC to your daily routine?

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