Our Blog

  1. What’s Dosha Got to Do with It?

    Runner flexing her arm

    What’s Dosha Got to Do with It?

    Do you ever wonder why it’s a constant struggle to stay committed to your exercise routine? Have you noticed that doing the same cardio routines, day after day, fails to produce noticeable results? Work smarter not harder and choose the right type of exercise for your unique body type, or dosha. Keep reading to learn more about Ayurveda, doshas and how to establish an exercise routine that supports and strengthens your body’s needs.

  2. Beets, Betalains, Blood Pressure, Oh My!

    man with hands over heart

    Beets, Betalains, Blood Pressure, Oh My!

    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of death worldwide, and it is imperative that health care practitioners stay up to date on the latest research and recommendations for reducing CVD risk. Beetroot (Beta vulgaris), a vibrantly colored root vegetable related to spinach and quinoa, is now recognized as a functional food and has been extensively researched for its potential impact on cardiovascular health. Discover reasons why people need the most of a vegetable they may like the least.

  3. Taming Oxidative Stress with Tocotrienols

    Blocks spelling Vitamin E

    Taming Oxidative Stress with Tocotrienols

    Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality globally. The fire of all chronic illness begins with the spark of inflammation, and it is fueled by vulnerable, undernourished cell membranes. We are only as healthy as our cell membranes, the building blocks of tissues, organs, and body systems. Antioxidant therapy has been proposed as a potential intervention that may reduce the incidence of heart failure. Learn about how tocotrienols, considered the vitamin E of the 21st century, may be a missing ingredient in a heart healthy wellness plan

  4. Premier Marine Collagen™ - The Essential Dietary Supplement for an Active Lifestyle

    Collagen - Supports Skin, Joint, and Gut Health

    Premier Marine Collagen™ - The Essential Dietary Supplement for an Active Lifestyle

    Do you know what your body needs to perform optimally? If you're like most people, you probably think of things like a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and exercise. But there's one key ingredient that's often overlooked - collagen.

  5. Psyllium Fiber – The Soluble Solution When Fiber is Needed

    Psyliium for a Happy Digestive System

    Psyllium Fiber – The Soluble Solution When Fiber is Needed

    What is small, soluble, slimy but has the might of Metamucil®? Psyllium fiber!! The use of this beloved seed and seed husk, predates the 80-year reign of fiber supplements such as Metamucil®. As a dietary supplement, psyllium fiber, derived from the husks of the seeds of Plantago ovata, is an herbaceous annual plant native to parts of Asia, Africa, and Northern Europe. Not only does psyllium seed provide a variety of vitamins and minerals including magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, and phosphorus, it is considered to be one of the most effective, naturally available sources of soluble fiber.

  6. The “Cloud of Light” Do Your Supplements Have It?

    Couple Riding Bikes in Fall

    The “Cloud of Light” Do Your Supplements Have It?

    Did you know that this fascinating topic of photon emission and its correlated photonic body intelligence has been known and scientifically researched for over 100 years? Yet many savvy practitioners have never even heard of this concept -- and sadly, may not be aware of its extensive and deeply meaningful impact on the body’s entire physiology.  

  7. The Glow of Light around your Body: The New Biomedicine

    Older Couple Stretching

    The Glow of Light around your Body: The New Biomedicine

    Have you ever noticed an ultra-faint glow (like a translucent light) or energy field that surrounds a person’s head or body? If so, you may have unwittingly seen that person’s biofield.  If you haven’t ever seen this type of misty-like mirage, don’t worry -- you’re in good company: most people are unable to see the body’s superluminous bioenergy field.  

  8. Biophotons: Humans are “Beings of Light”

    Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp

    Biophotons: Humans are “Beings of Light”

    Many scientists still mourn the passing of the brilliant Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp (recently deceased in 2018). He was an unexpected “great gift to science” as a world famous biophysicist and insightful researcher who had enormous influence about our deeper understanding of biophysics, the biophotonic nature of our underlying physiology and how our bodies truly function. As a a Professor of Biophysics and Director of the International Institute of Biophysics in Germany, he uncovered stunning insights into the body’s “light-based” physiology.   

  9. The Therapeutic Uses of Deer Antler: An Ancient Superior Body Tonic

    Woman Running

    The Therapeutic Uses of Deer Antler: An Ancient Superior Body Tonic

    In ancient times, TCM medical authorities generally believed that the distinctive properties of deer antler had the capacity to promote three key concepts: “nourish the Yin,” “tonify the Kidney,” and “invigorate the Spleen.” However, TCM defines these three terms (“Yin,” “Kidney” and “Spleen”) differently than what is used in today’s medical terminology. It may be helpful to briefly explain these three age-old TCM concepts (below). 

  10. What ‘s the BEST Type of Salt to Use?

    Pink Salt

    What ‘s the BEST Type of Salt to Use?

    We can’t help being fanatical about good nutrition. It’s been our nature for many years now and when the topic of salt comes up, we’re even more passionate about it. We are genuine salt lovers and believe that high-quality salt belongs in a healthy diet.  

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